The post CILTEP Review — This Natural Stacks Product Works appeared first on Brain Wiz.
]]>Somewhat unique among nootropics, CILTEP operates by increasing long-term potentiation (LTP) within the brain; LTP is a consistent strengthening of synapses within the brain. It’s thought that memory formation and synaptic strength are heavily connected, and by inducing long-term potentiation, the makers of CILTEP claim its ingredients can boost memory, focus, and cognition.
But how exactly do these ingredients work differently than other nootropic stacks, and (more importantly), does the theory translate into real-life effectiveness? Read below to see how our experience with CILTEP by Natural Stacks really went.
“Recently, we’ve tried a good number of supplements that gave me a pronounced energy boost (often in addition to better focus and mental clarity). CILTEP didn’t give me an energy boost in the slightest, but it did stop my morning brain fog in its tracks. That’s something I’ve been struggling with lately, and CILTEP stopped that lethargic, heavy-headed sensation better than anything else I’ve tried thus far.”
“Natural Stacks mentions that CILTEP can boost motivation, but I didn’t feel any new sensation or drive when taking the supplement. If anything, it gave me a mild focus boost, but nothing major.”
“I’m not sure if I really felt much from CILTEP. We’ve tried a good number of other supplements with more pronounced effects. I’ll probably stick to those.”
“CILTEP gave me mental focus and clarity, not the most I’ve ever felt from a supplement, but certainly something. And it lasted throughout the workday and into the evening even when I took it first thing in the morning, which makes it one of the longer-lasting nootropics I’ve ever tried.”
While we like to get a diverse set of opinions on nootropics by sharing them with the Brain Wiz testers, I also like to spend at least a week testing each nootropic. In the case of this CILTEP review, I spent two weeks reviewing it. Why? This little smart drug has gotten a lot of people talking.
Ever since hearing rave reviews from Tim Ferriss about how CILTEP rivals Modafinil in its brain boosting power, I knew it had potential. However, I didn’t realize how strong of a nootropic it truly is until the end of the 14 days…
As with all nootropics, I like to ease my way into them. I usually never take the whole recommended dose because of bad experiences from shady “brain pills” that were really just loaded with a proprietary blend of tons of caffeine.
I started the first day of my CILTEP experience with half a dose in the morning. As expected, I didn’t really feel much. In fact, it was a bit of a let down. As the afternoon rolled around, I started to wonder if I had done something wrong. I thought it could have been possible that my body didn’t absorb it correctly because I had a very early morning (but small) breakfast about 30 minutes prior to taking the half dose.
Nonetheless, I decided to continue the review the next day.
This is when things started to get interesting. In the morning, I decided to skip breakfast and take a full dose of CILTEP upon waking with a full glass of water.
About 30 minutes later it started to kick in. To give the best analogy I can, it was as if someone dialed in my brain so that the noise and distractions were almost completely gone. With a lot of other nootropics, I usually find myself in a focused state but my focus can sometimes bounce around. That’s not to say I get distracted but I tend to go back and forth from project to project (as I usually like to work, even without nootropics). On CILTEP there was no bouncing around. I was fully engrossed in what I was doing, 100% of the time.
Working in a field that is both creative and technical at the same time, I need to be able to switch my “left brain” to my “right brain” at a moments notice (e.g. from writing to coding). This can sometimes cause stagnation during the workday in the form of writers block or procrastination. However, near the end of week one while taking CILTEP I started to learn that it seemed to open the roads between my left and right brain a bit more. This allowed me to go from a creative project to a more technical one in seconds. I also felt much more creative while taking it. This isn’t to say that it made me more creative but I think it helped my brain form creative connections a lot easier. One idea would lead to another, which would help me form fully thought out plans at a much quicker pace.
There are no free lunches. This is a popular phrase I often hear in the world of nootropics. It refers to the fact that you can’t benefit from a supplement without giving something back in return. In many nootropics this is usually in the form of a crash near the end of the day, feeling tired or mentally exhausted after the supplement wears off.
With CILTEP, the only negative effect I felt was waking up feeling fatigued. It would be as if my brain performed a hard workout the day before and was still recovering. I felt normal after breakfast, drinking a lot of water, and getting a run in.
Surprisingly I didn’t build up much of a tolerance over the two weeks of taking CILTEP. I only started to see minor negative effects after taking it for over a seven days in a row.
I would say that the positive effects of CILTEP vastly outweigh any negatives that I felt. Because of this, I am starting to keep this bottle on my office desk for those occasions when I really need it.
The science behind CILTEP is based on complex chemical interactions and ingredients that still have a long way to go as far as research-backed effectiveness; it’s possible CILTEP’s long-term potentiation mechanism isn’t actually occurring at a significant level. That’s not to say it doesn’t have any nootropic effect, but our testers were very much divided on whether or not worked for them. Of all the nootropics stacks we’ve tried to date, CILTEP varied the most from individual to individual.
Chad was enthusiastic that CILTEP reduced his morning brain fog, but other users online have occasionally reported fatigue when taking the recommended dosage. In our eyes, CILTEP remains a somewhat controversial stack and is probably not suited well to beginners in the world of nootropics but could be a game changer for those who want the power of a Modafinil-type nootropic without getting a prescription.
The post CILTEP Review — This Natural Stacks Product Works appeared first on Brain Wiz.