I really enjoyed Lumonol (click for best price) from the get-go, and I had no hesitation volunteering to test it for a recommended 90-day cycle after we did our initial BrainWiz review. If you remember from our initial review of Lumonol, Noopept, one of Lumonol’s signature ingredients, is purported to have a cumulative effect, meaning that its Piracetam-like effects build up in your system, reaching its maximum effect after 90 days. All of Lumonol’s additional ingredients work synergistically, promoting not only improved neurological function, but also potentially protecting against cognitive decay.
As suggested by Avanse, the makers of Lumonol, I took the nootropic for 90 days. I cycled 5 days on and taking 2 days (the weekend) off, doing so for 90 total days. As with any other supplements, it is important to consult your doctor before embarking on any new supplement regiment, especially if you have a sensitivity to any of the ingredients.
1 Week
I’m really enjoying the even energy from guarana. I experimented with taking 1 capsule in the morning and one after lunch, but the afternoon dose in addition to my afternoon cup of coffee (I love coffee) made it hard for me to fall asleep at night. I went back to 2 capsules, first thing in the morning, and I like that much better.
2 Weeks
This sounds crazy, but I think my hearing has gotten better, or at least my perception and pickup on hearing has improved (it’s not quite spidey-sense). Noopept is the real deal, at least for me. I can’t wait to see the results of the cumulative effects.
30 Days
I noticed that I’m able to recall things a lot quicker and more accurately. I went back to using Lumosity, and my scores on the games went up by at least 30% across the board. I also really like the energy from the guarana. I’ve even gone (unintentionally) without coffee until as late as 10AM.
60 Days
I’ve been wanting to learn another non-Latin alphabet for a while now, and the way Lumonol has been making me feel was the perfect excuse I needed to get started. Today, with one month left on my 90 day cycle, I took up Russian. No more procrastination, though I’d like to chalk that up to renewed motivation, not just Lumonol.
90 Days
This was definitely worth it, and I will likely be going back to Lumonol (click for current price) after taking the suggested 30 days off. I feel sharp, and just “smarter.” My energy levels are great, and I still have energy left after what used to be draining days at work. I will be looking for a guarana supplement to take while taking a break from Lumonol. I’m not fluent in Russian (yet), but I have learned the whole Cyrillic alphabet and gotten through a Level 1 Russian course, while still feeling like I’m killing it at my job. Again, I’ve been wanting to learn Russian for awhile, so the motivation has been there, but better energy throughout the day definitely hasn’t hurt. I feel like I have found my long-term nootropic in Lumonol.
If you are looking for something that will give you an edge at work, and may even inspire you to learn something new, I highly suggest giving it a try. But it’s definitely powerful, and user experience will vary. Be smart, and consult with your doctor first if you’re taking any medication or have a preexisting condition.
View Comments (1)
Did you take the Lumonol pill with coffee in the morning every day or did you taking the 2 lumonol pills only?